
This experimental publication project was conceived as a way to address what we feel are pressing and perennial needs in our community. Needs such as:

➣ A platform to showcase and share the diversity of cultures in our community.
➣ More creative teaching and aspirational role-modeling for our youth.
➣ Reliable ways to explore new things, experiment with the unknown, get weird, and have fun!
➣ More vocal and responsible support for unique artistic and community practice​s​.
➣ The creation of a network from our own island connections to make available opportunities for our community in creative fields.
➣ An archive of the contemporary moment sustained by/for locals and visitors alike​.

Cazuela is our way of combining common and local experiences to make something flavorful to enhance the lives of our friends, students, and residents. But we can’t do this without your help!

Please help keep Cazuela free. Our costs are modest but nonetheless pressing. Here are a variety of ways to support this community project:

• A one-time financial gift (off-set printing costs $$$)
• Monthly financial gift (off-set printing costs $$$)
• Gift Certificate Contributions (a token of gratitude and community support for the artists and community contributors featured in our pages)
• Other? (Nothing goes unused here! Have a skill? Or extra time to support this project? Let us know!)
• Monthly Advertising Space: 1⁄4 page at $100 OR 1⁄8 page at $55

Want to pay by cash or check? Address to:
Catalina Youth Arts Exchange
P.O.Box 1431
Avalon, CA 90704


Email us at